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Muller factory visit for college’s Engineering Hub

hub muller

Members of Telford College’s engineering hub went on location to one of Shropshire’s biggest employers for their first meeting of the new academic year.

Market Drayton yoghurt manufacturing Muller hosted the event, which included a tour of the company’s production facilities.

Beckie Bosworth, head of employer engagement at Telford College, said: “The tour was fascinating, and the meeting was very productive.

“We talked about new qualifications in engineering that the college is looking to introduce, and invited feedback from employers which will be used to help shape the units for the qualifications.

“We also had a very constructive and informative debate around some of the current recruitment issues facing Shropshire employers, and discussed ways of sharing ideas to overcome skills shortages.”

Among the companies represented at the Muller event – which was hosted by the company’s business unit engineering manager Alan Filmer – were i2R, Pickstock, Zapi UK, RBSL, and Iconsys.

The Muller factory tour was led by Leigh Brooks, who is one of Telford College’s second year engineering apprentices.

The engineering hub has been created by the college to build on its close working relationships with companies in the manufacturing and production sector.

The aim is to provide an opportunity for employers to feed directly into the college’s curriculum planning, and share best practice.

The college is keen to recruit more businesses onto the hub, which will hold its next meeting at Pickstock in Telford – more details are available from

Beckie said: “The hub isn’t just restricted to employers which already have apprentices with us – it’s also open to companies which may be looking to consider them for the future.

“We believe this hub, in conjunction with the college’s other partnerships, can actively contribute to identifying skills shortages across the region across a wide range of sectors.

“It is helping us to ensure that our curriculum planning is relevant and reactive, so that students have the best progression opportunities into the workplace.

“Employers are already having a hand in how they want their apprentices to be trained, ensuring that their needs are in step with the apprenticeship framework.

“Our engineering hub builds on this, offering a platform for discussion, and a chance for the college to shape its apprenticeships for the differing recruitment model of local businesses.”

“Hub members can also share recruitment models, training resources and facilities and even candidate referrals in the right situation.”

Pictured above: At the Muller event, from left, are Alan Filmer of Muller, Telford College duo Robert Lees and Beckie Bosworth, Nick Insull of Pickstock, Owain Hughes of i2R, and Gareth Jones from Zapi UK.