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CPD innovation ideas – Process

CPD innovation ideas – Process

Below is a list of all of your ideas that we have categorised as “Process”, this covers college processes and the way we work. Thank you for all your innovation ideas that came out of the staff CPD day at the start of January. We have collated them all and grouped them into broad categories.

  • SharePoint – Department wide inboxes to ensure work/tasks are not missed but for heads of department to enforce and encourage use.
  • When printer runs out of ink or replacement part, auto send message to IT to let them know.
  • VR suite to come into the classroom
  • All electronic sign off for all paperwork.
  • More flexibility for remote learning especially for adult courses.
  • Tablets and laptops to aid interview process and reduce paper.
  • Online booking system for Career appointments with automated reminders and feedback survey.
  • Digital finance forms.
  • Intelligence finance system to take away processing and utilise finance skills in a more productive way.
  • Use of internet for pay slips and holidays (Green College).
  • Cross reference of policies, all policies/reference points to be easily found – safeguarding, head on duty, CPOMs.
  • Transition towards digital signatories to enable authorisation from remote/external sites.
  • Digital walkthrough of college premises.
  • Electronic notebooks, eg Amazon scribe for assessors. Will reduce time spent on scanning and uploading and printing costs.
  • Digital project management platform for successful delivery of strategic plan.
  • Online enrolment, electronic pay slips, e-signing at enrolment
  • Digital onboarding platform for new starters.
  • Digital actions plans for easier sharing of actions/tasks, eg planner for tasks.
  • If I can’t use WhatsApp, what can I use to keep in contact with student groups, it needs to be free for all students to support wraparound and outcomes?
  • Electronic signup for apprentices, sign off using stylus.
  • Staff access for lessening work load.
  • Bring back administration courses for staff to upskill.
  • Book on option with online payment for short courses.
  • Therapy dog sessions for staff/students.
  • An immersive Open Event, like a Treasure hunt with fun facts or activities related to area/industry.
  • More ownership for department or individual over this relevant part of the college website.
  • Have printed a4 size codes posted all-round the college that gives virtual information about that area or the college.
  • Expansion of provision equals more students and more qualifications. What is the plan to recruit and retain staff to meet the challenge of growing numbers, sites and courses?
  • Link CPOMS to Prosolution and Promonitor to click through Dashboard.
  • E sports provision.

Please feel free to comment on any of these ideas below.

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