Media students from Telford College have created a video to celebrate a confidence-building collaboration with local secondary schools and the Shropshire Football Association.
Sports students from the college ran a successful football festival at the Wellington campus for year 9 and 10 girls from Charlton School, Southall School, Telford Park School and Telford Langley School.
The festival, which took place on the college’s 3G pitch, was filmed by the college’s level two media students who have now edited the footage together to create video highlights of the event.
Media lecturer Monique Cronje said: “The event was a fabulous opportunity to promote participation in football activities for female students – building confidence, skills and friendship.
“We wanted our media students to capture the fun and inclusive atmosphere of the day, and showcase the skills and confidence-boosting activities which were on display.”
Katie Smith, one of the students involved in the filming, said: “I found the female football festival to be a great experience as we were able to let our creativity flow when filming and taking photos of the players.
“What I got out of this experience was teamwork with other members of my class as well as learning what it is like to work with a client in this type of environment. I’d definitely do it again if I had the opportunity.”
Another of the media students, Jack Shingler, added: “It was a really nice look into the industry of photography and videography and gave me a chance to get real life experience working with an external client.”
Phoebe Warner, football participation officer at Shropshire FA, said: “It was great to support the students with the festival, and they all did an amazing job of making sure the afternoon ran smoothly.
“All involved left with a smile on their face and the festival definitely inspired more girls to get involved in football which was one of our key outcomes. A huge well done to all!”