Candidates must not open the question paper until the examination begins. (Section 19.1)
This also impacts on the invigilator announcement at the beginning of the examination.
Fill in all the details needed on the front of your answer book (or question paper) in black ink. Make sure you fill these details in on any additional answer sheets that you use. Do not open the question paper until you are instructed that the exam has begun.
(Suggested wording for invigilators’ announcements at the beginning of written examinations, Appendix 3)
Note – Candidates are made aware of this change when the JCQ Information for candidates documents (written examinations (and where relevant) on-screen tests) are distributed to all candidates prior to examinations taking place
- (Appendix 5: Information for candidates for written examinations) Point D4 Do not start writing anything until the invigilator tells you to fill in all the details required on the front of the question paper and/or the answer booklet before you start the exam. Do not open the question paper until you are instructed that the exam has begun.
- (Appendix 6: Information for candidates for on-screen tests) Point D3 You may be given a question paper or the instructions may be on-screen. In either case, read carefully and follow the instructions. Do not open the question paper until you are instructed that the exam has begun.