(ICE, sections 24 & 25)

Invigilators should be aware of what constitutes malpractice – the JCQ publication Suspected Malpractice: Policies and Procedures, 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023 provides a definition and examples of malpractice.

Where a candidate is being disruptive, the invigilator must warn the candidate that he/she may be removed from the examination room. The candidate must also be warned that the awarding body will be informed and may decide to penalise them, which could include disqualification. The invigilator must record what has happened.

Wherever possible, the invigilator should remove and keep any unauthorised material that a candidate may have in the examination. If necessary, the invigilator should summon assistance.

Emergency evacuation

In an emergency such as a fire alarm or a bomb alert, the invigilator must take the
following action:

  • stop the candidates from writing
  • collect the attendance register (in order to ensure all candidates are present) and evacuate the examination room in line with the instructions given by the
    appropriate authority
  • advise candidates to leave all question papers and scripts in the examination
    room. Candidates must be advised to close their answer booklet
  • ensure the candidates leave the room in silence
  • ensure candidates are supervised as closely as possible while they are out of the examination room so that there is no discussion about the examination
  • make a note of the time of the interruption and how long it lasted allow the candidates the remainder of the working time set for the examination once it resumes
  • if there are only a few candidates, consider the possibility of taking the candidates (with question papers and scripts) to another place to finish the examination
  • make a full report of the incident and of the action taken and send to the relevant awarding body