(ICE Section 10, Appendix 1 sections 2-4)
- Centres must ensure that test/examination materials are only accessed in accordance with the awarding body’s subject-specific instructions.
- Candidate test password information must be stored securely and only given to candidates at the time of the examination.
- The invigilator must check the identity of each candidate and ensure that the correct ID and password are issued. The candidate is responsible for inputting their ID and password and ensuring that the name of the test and their details are correct. If the information presented to the candidate is incorrect, they must notify the invigilator and cancel out of the examination before starting. The invigilator must give the candidate the correct ID and password in order to access their examination. If a candidate sits an examination in another candidate’s name (whether or not it is intentional), this may constitute malpractice.
- Confidential material (including discarded printouts) must be kept secure throughout the examination window (i.e. the range of dates within which the unit/component must be conducted).
- Centres must maintain the confidentiality of candidate responses and candidate details.
- Centres must have appropriate security systems and procedures in place to prevent candidates using computers/laptops in examinations having unauthorised external communication with other users of computers/laptops. Included in the examination pack will be a guidance sheet with the computer log on details – these vary for different awarding bodies dependant on requirement. The invigilator must ensure they allow sufficient time to login into all computers required for the exam and platform prior to the candidate’s exam arrival time – candidate arrival time for group exams is up to 15 minutes prior to the exam start time and for a 1:1 examination 10 minutes.
- If you experience any IT issues or lock the computer login, contact the IT Service Desk in the first instance 01952 642284 and then advise the exams team – contact details are included on the exam cover sheet.
Timetabling of tests
- For examinations which are timetabled, test sessions must take place according to the awarding body’s timetable and will be restricted to the scheduled period.
- Requirements for the supervision of candidates will differ between tests. JCQ invigilator ratio for on-screen examinations is 1:20 – the invigilator ratio to candidates must always meet or exceed the requirement. The invigilator(‘s) must always be able to see each candidate in the examination room. Centres must always refer to the appropriate awarding body’s subject-specific instructions. A copy of applicable awarding body guidance where required will be included within the exam pack.
- Where a test is on-demand, once the candidate has completed their test, there is no reason for the candidate to remain within the examination room.
Use of calculators
- The requirements set out in (ICE) section 10 regarding the use of calculators, apply to all on-screen tests unless stated otherwise in the appropriate awarding body’s subject-specific instructions. (Refer to (ICE) section 10). NB: City and Guilds on-screen functional skills tests candidates should use the on-screen calculator as this contributes to the overall grade.