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This course is made up of five units and during the academic year, learners will study a combination of classroom-based theory and a broad range of practical tasks in our well-equipped electrical workshop. This prepares you for the examinations and assessments you’ll need to complete to achieve your diploma qualification. Units include health and safety in building services engineering, principles of electrical science, electrical installations technology, installation of wiring systems and enclosures, and understanding how to communicate with others within building services engineering. You will need to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on the course in line with industry expectations, and provide some of this yourself. The course also involves some working from stepladders, extension ladders and scaffolding, and using hand and power tools.
Topics and units
– Practical health and safety
– Communications on the building site
– Priniciples and science
– Electrical installations technology
Work placement opportunities: Shropshire Electrical Supplies, Denmans, Edmundson Electrical
Careers and progression
Progressing to: Industrial work and domestic contractors, trainee electrical engineer, further educationor apprenticeship
Entry requirements
GCSE grade 4 maths, and minimum grade 3 for English or science
What to do next
If you are interested in applying for this course, please click ‘apply now‘ on this page or at the top of any page, and create an website account or sign in an account you have already created and complete the application form.
To find out more information about our courses and college life, you can visit an open event to meet our team and check out our facilities for yourself.
Full time
1 year
Wellington Campus
Upcoming events
Telford College
Haybridge Road
01952 642200