Biology – A Level

Student conducting heart dissection science experiment

Explore the science of living organisms, understand the ever-changing field of genetic engineering and discover the issues affecting today’s world. You’ll develop your theoretical understanding, exploring a diverse range of topics from cellular structure and DNA through to evolution and ecosystems, using laboratory experiments and demonstrations. If you’re considering a science-based career, such as medicine, […]

Photography – A Level

Student holding camera

This is a course for creative thinkers. You will focus on personal exploration, experimentation and expression, with experience of working within different processes and disciplines to produce a portfolio. Working from our £2.5m Creative Hub, you will explore camera technology, Apple Macs and editing software, work on live creative briefs with real business clients, have […]

Fine Art – A Level

Investigate and develop a broad range of skills and techniques to work with a variety of materials with confidence and creativity. You’ll explore pencil, ink, paint (acrylic, water colour and oil) along with print making. You’ll also develop a range of drawing and painting techniques, such as creating composition, perspective, colour theory, anatomy and working […]