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Advanced Learner Loans

You can apply for an Advanced Learner Loan to help with the costs of a course at Telford College. Loan eligibility does not depend on your income – and there are no credit checks.

But there are several factors to take into account. For example, if someone is claiming an Adult Dependants’ Grant on your behalf, the amount of money they get could be affected if you successfully apply for an Advanced Learner Loan.

You’ll have to start repaying your loan when your income is over a certain amount (the ‘threshold’ amount).

You’ll be charged interest from the day you get the first payment.

For our Access to Higher Education (HE) courses, Student Finance England will ‘write off’ any outstanding Advanced Learner Loan balances you owe once you complete the course . . . in other words, you won’t have to repay it.

What you'll get

This depends on three key factors:

  • The type of course
  • Your course fees
  • The maximum loan available for your course

The minimum loan you can get is £300, and is paid directly to your college or training provider.

You do not have to borrow the full cost of your course – you can pay for some of it yourself.

How many loans can you get?

You can apply for up to 4 loans – and you can get more than one at the same time.

Each loan doesn’t have to be for a different level of course. For example, you can apply for a loan to cover the same level qualification in history even if you’ve already had a loan for the equivalent level in maths.

But you can only apply once for an Access to Higher Education course.

You can apply for a loan to fund each course you take towards your A levels – up to a maximum of 4.

This means you can have up to 8 loans if you’re taking each A level as two separate courses. However, the courses must be in the same subject to qualify for a full A level.

You can also get 3 more loans for non-A level courses, either before or after your course of A levels.

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