The Future, including T-Levels

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T levels at a glance

A more vocational alternative to A levels
A mix of classroom and workplace learning
Recognised by universities, with UCAS points
Include a minimum 45-day industry placement
Two-year course, equivalent to three A levels

T levels are coming...

There is a new option for post-GCSE education.

T levels are designed to offer a more vocational alternative to A levels, and will soon be on offer at Telford College.

These two-year courses are being rolled out across the country over the next couple of years as a fresh option for students after their GCSEs.

Each T level will be equivalent to three A levels, and include a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience.

They will include at least 45 days of industry placement with a local employer, focused on developing the practical and technical skills required for each chosen career.

In time, there will be more than 20 different T level options – but initially, Telford College will be focusing on three key areas . . . Digital, Health, and Science.

We have already rolled out the first T levels at Telford College, and further expand the programme in 2024.

We are already working closely with local employers to ensure that students will be able to gain quality industry placements in their chosen fields.

Eventually there will be something for everyone – from creative media to catering and engineering to finance.

T levels are based on similar standards to apprenticeships, and have been designed with leading businesses and employers to deliver the knowledge and skills that people need.

How does it all work?

When students pass their T level, they will get a nationally recognised certificate showing the overall grade achieved – pass, merit, distinction or distinction*.

It will also give details of what they learned on the course to help move into skilled employment or a higher apprenticeship.

The T Level will be worth UCAS points – a T Level Distinction* is worth the same as 3 A levels at A* – and will be recognised by universities and other education providers so students can choose to continue studying if they wish.

Like A levels, there are no tuition fees to study a T level if students start before they are 19. Colleges will set their own entry requirements.

T levels give students valuable experience in the workplace; and employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry.

T level students will typically spend 80% of the course in the classroom, and the other 20% in a meaningful industry placement, where they put their newly-learned skills into action.